ZTC Community is primed for our official launch on Monday the 21st starting at 12PM CST and lasting all afternoon and evening.Through word of mouth, combined with our 100,000+ visitor advertising Co-Op that has started we would love to see more than 10,000 visitors that day and you can help make it happen by telling your friends. Remember, the affiliate program is free to join and sending out that link could put cash in your pocket.
We have hot new banner graphics in the affiliate center and a custom thanks for the add banner that will also help spread the word on sites like MySpace. I have started testing on this banner today and 12 clicks in 2 hours time is a great click through rate. Our program is free to join and that makes us dynamic for first time affiliates, because they can learn a simple online business and make some money with no risk.
The goal is to put help every affiliate/member reach 90 people in their down-line in 6 days time by using one system. I will show you how easy it really is.
Steps to 90+ members in 6 days .
1. Choose 30 of your closes friends and contacts, then divide them into groups of 10 contacts.
2. Send the message below to 10 of those friends a day for 3 days and challenge them to do the same.
3. Do the math: if 5 of your 10 join and accept the challenge at the end of 3 days you will have 15 new 1st tier referrals. If they get 5 of 10 each day to join free you will have 75 new 2nd tier referrals for a total of 90 members in your down-line.
4. Follow up with your friends who accepted the challenge within 24 hours and make sure they are doing the math.
The e-mail:
Subject: Hello _______ I have a cool challenge for you and it could put cash in your pocket.
Hi _______
You and I have been friends for a while and I found a great free program that allows you to meet new people and grow friendships and business contacts totally free. I have sent a goal to reach a 90 friend network in just 6 days time and am challenging you to do the same.
Here is how we are going to do it:
1. Choose 30 of your closes friends and contacts, then divide them into groups of 10 contacts.
2. Send the message below to 10 of those friends a day for 3 days and challenge them to do the same.
3. Do the math: if 5 of your 10 join and accept the challenge at the end of 3 days you will have 15 new 1st tier referrals. If they get 5 of 10 each day to join free you will have 75 new 2nd tier referrals for a total of 90 members in your down-line.
4. Follow up with your friends who accepted the challenge within 24 hours and make sure they are doing the math.
It’s really simple and will be a lot of fun. I know I can do it, and if I didn’t think you could you would not be reading this challenge message, so please join my group of friends and let me help you build a strong network. The system is amazing, and simple to follow, you can even make money doing this because of the free 2 level affiliate program.
I am not trying to sell you anything, all of this is 100% free with no obligation, and I need friend like you to help me be successful. Can I count on you to join us free?
Your friend,
Your Affiliate LinkPlain and simple a 3 day system gets results. Nearly everyone will invest 20 minutes a day for 6 days if they can have 90 people potentially paying them. By sending the messages to friends and associates they know there is someone they trust to help them waiting there, and because people are often very competitive your friends will try to out do you. Most will get better results than just 90 new team members in the 6 days and when they see the results and start earning money, they will repeat this challenge over and over. So please accept my challenge and put your income on autopilot in just 6 days.
We currently have 35 affiliates if each affiliate accepts this challenge and follows through we will have 3,150 new members or more in 6 days time, and as new members arrive and accept the challenge this will grow virally and keep building your ZTC community network of friends and contacts.
Andy Zeus Anderson