3D Technology and your business.
Virtual reality or VR and 3D are sought after commodities for businesses in this generation 2000. With the popularity of video games and VR units in malls and at fairgrounds drawing crowds today's business leaders can not ignore it's pull, and most major companies have at least one Virtual reality of 3d advertising campaign and are spending billions on research.
So how does this new technology benefit your on-line or off-line business?
Just like television ads in the early days before the cable generation and hundreds of channels to switch too, you are dealing with a captive and interested audience. They are focused on the task they are doing , be it playing a game or building a 3D house, but they are taking in the total environment. From that Coca Cola marquee in the end zone, to the billboards on that hot new racing game, advertising is being absorbed through all aspects of the environment, and market research has shown great results.
So how can I get started with 3D or Virtual Reality advertising with a tight budget?
It's Your Net, a company based out of Weatherford Texas has developed a new 3D Universe on-line they call Destiny Worlds. This community is being backed by a massive affiliate program, tons of only advertising, and with the launch of their new WiFi Internet Services, they are projecting over 120 million visitors a year. Depending on your level of interest and budget they offer advertising starting as low as $4.99 a month in the Destiny Mall, a online 3 Dimensional shopping experience that allows users to interact with your products and visit your websites without leaving the 3D realm, to 3D office space as a 3D Net affiliate where not only do you get a cost effective means of advertising your sites, but you can also take part in a passive secondary source of residual income that is out of this world.
The newest and probably the most popular is the new private world product from IYN. For as little as $24.98 a month you can have an entire custom 3D world branding and advertising your on-line or off-line business. You have a ton of freedom and unlimited possibilities to earn revenue, the world can be public or private, and when your users subscribe to the 3D Citizenship package for features like building rights you get paid a commission.
Can 3D private worlds be used as a stand alone business opportunity?
Yes they can. Not only can you advertise and existing business or sit back and earn from the built in affiliate revenue streams, but you can also sell advertising inside your own 3D virtual reality world. They accept any business that is legal in the United States and not Porn related. Please this is a family site. Other than that it's your private world built in the way you want and you keep 100% of any advertising you sell inside it.
So how do you get started?
Simply click either of the 2 banners or click here and grab your free 3D download, tour the worlds, get your ideas, then return to the page and buy the package of your choice. There is also a great free 2 tier affiliate program and like I said before the 3D Net upgrade on it allows you to operate your own 3D office with up to 5 of your best businesses or products displayed for the world to see. So the only thing left now is getting you on the inside with your virtual reality advertising campaign in place before the launch of WiFi, because once that program goes live and 100 million plus visitors start flooding the gate you can be sure these amazing prices will go up, so lock in your low cost 3D advertising package today.
Andy Zeus Anderson