Friday, October 01, 2010

T.E.A.M. Firestorm Launches Today! Review on APSense RevPage

When I first started in this business.

When I got my start I felt all alone. Even the few marketers who did share tidbits of information and work with me spent more time trying to sell me high dollars systems and products that ended up not working then actually teaching me the skills needed to afford to play their games.

I watched as the Guru's got rich and people like me lost money.

Some truths though were made very evident as I continued to watch these successful people. I don't mean watch their e-mails, and red their products but to actually follow the money. I noticed things like Co-Reg leads and other buyers Co-Ops to save money on advertising and promotions, and learned about the joint venture and the real teamwork that puts the same faces on testimonial page after testimonial page. Think about it. How many times this month have you seen Jane Mark, Darren Olander, Walt Bayliss, Mike Filsame, Guido, you name it? A few dozen sites, a few thousand ads?

Read More: T.E.A.M. Firestorm Launches Today! Review on APSense RevPage

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