Sunday, May 01, 2005

When is a lead a dead end.

What the Guru's Say: Promote one program and promote it well.{Usually theirs}
What the Guru's Do: Have you ever seen a Guru with just one program or link?

I have heard a ton of feedback from people saying that they love my programs, but, they are already promoting a program and don't want to spread themselves thin.

These same folks spend thousands of dollars on leads and hundreds of hours pistol whipping the same dead horse. Their auto responders promote one link until the lead clicks un-subscribe. I know, I have been there too.

I learned sometime ago that hot programs still get dry spells, I also know that my purchased and collected lead may already be part of my programs so I am whipping the proverbial dead horse to send the ads to these folks over and over. The other thought is, what if they just aren't interested in my offer? So, when is a lead a dead end? Never.

I lay off sending the first offer to a lead after they fail to responded to it 3 times, I may at a future date remind them of the program again but I still consider them a lead. I just switch gears and try sending some other program offers, and this usually gets great results. These folks are still looking for great opportunities, they just don't want the one you offered first.

What creates a program dead spell?
When a new program launches 3-5 thousand marketers jump on board and flood the net, looking for referrals. You will see the ads anywhere you look and then amazingly the 20 sign-ups a week drop to 1-2 a month. The program only dies if you give up on it and most of your fellow marketers will. What I have found is that this is not the death of a good program, it's only a new beginning. you let the traffic die for a month and then you start to promote again. this time there are only a few active promoters and thousands of new opportunity seekers. I have better results with several programs after the die off.

Why do you get better results on a second pass? For the simple fact that folks are not bombarded by tons of hype, you have genuine results to share, and less competition for there sign-ups. Most of the marketer that were there for the launch, have made their money and have moved on to the next big thing. What this means for you is that the 95% that did not join on the first go around will have a knowledge of the program, and with your help they will see the money the system has already generated. They will be more willing to fork over the cash to join a proven system that has made others extremely wealthy and you won't have to fight everyone in the system to get them to join.

This approach is as simple as the bulls and the bears in the stock market. The bulls jump on the hype and make a fast buck, then jump to another programs hype, creating a lot of activity and the dreaded lull. The bears are a little more stubborn and will stay with the program to make the larger long term rewards. Bulls make a great deal of money fast but bears tend to make a lasting income, and are better positioned for wealth.

Being a bull means that you will make a ton of money in each program, but to do so you will spend 50-60% of your revenues to advertise during the hype, because the secret to making money in that 1st wave is having your link reach the prospects more often than other promoters. When a bull jumps to another program they will spend 70-90% of their profits from the 1st one to beat the hype in the 2nd.

The bear on the other hand let's the bull spend the ton of cash, building the grass roots for the company. They take a very small part in the hype and will reap the long term reward. Because they lay back and wait for the hype to die down they spend 40% or less marketing the program and take a higher profit percentage, they are the ones left behind when the bull jumps ship and will market based on a pre-existing hype to a totally new market. Being one of the few left in the system, actively promoting they will get more sign-ups in the long term that the 30 day bear and spend less to get it.

As a bull or a bear, you will need to have a couple programs running at all times to survive the lull after the bulls leave the system. The bear will split their time sponsoring 2-4 systems and make a steady stream of income in all of them. The bull will have 90% of their time invested in one program, and usually only has time to build traffic to their current offer. The bull will have to find a new pre-launch to get started in before the hype has totally died or they will go a month or more before they make new income.


I will take the wise old bear under my wings and make you and me some major money. If you fit the bears profile and want to build a system of long term gains join my forum page and look for new program announcements from admin, or join Anderson Team Forum

Note: Members of the Anderson team Forum are more than welcome to place free ads for all of their offers. I will be sending a ton of traffic to the site in the next few months and the folks who have been visiting have been reading a ton of post whether they join the forum or not.

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