Ladies and gentlemen the ground is about to shake uncontrollably from the stampede of marketers flooding into It's Your Net. Wireless ISP will soon be here and 3D Net Affiliates are able to bank advertising credits to be a part of a major Co-Op campaign that will make many of us millionaires.
Come join my 80 member team and start earning today. The world is about to be reshaped and new high tech gadgetry will be released soon that will open the doors to millions in earnings for thousands of affiliates. WiFi is no new concept, chances are if you live in a city with 130,000+ people there is some form of Wi-Fi available to you, but never before has it been nationwide, in every town with plans to be global in the next 2 years. It has never been this fast, this secure, or this cheap to access.In the following excerpt from our members newsletter you will hear talk of a chip under final stages of development and testing.
This chip will be available in the next few months and will not only power the new age of Internet service, but will also allow the creation of a device that will replace today's cell phone.
Imagine if you would a wireless phone technology that is crystal clear, unlimited range, virtually no dead spots, for one flat rate per month. Say goodbye to overages, roaming, nights, weekends, minutes, friends circles and friends left out of circles for less than your current contract.Knowledge is not required, training is available for those who desire to know more. Folks, this is an affiliate program that pays on 2 tiers, you need to know nothing more than how to copy and paste your links and banners to be able to earn massive residual monthly commissions. Those who join and upgrade today will be at the forefront of this revolutionary technology and stand to profit more than all who join after us, so please join us today.
Excerpt from IYN Newsletter June 7, 2007.
Here it is!
The news you have been waiting for, and it's better than what was expected!
The Wireless Corporation proto-type chip has been built, it is already in the possession of the Wireless Corporation, and it has already been tested!
On Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Mr. Gary Brown, CEO of the Wireless Corporation, released the following:
"We received the proto-type chip early in the week and went straight into testing it with the new programming and its interaction with the main-frame computers. I was surprised, but the chip is working faster and better than we had expected or thought we could even hope for..."
Great news huh Andrew!
Gary continued...
"We did however find one last small flaw in the chip though, an algorithm that had either been missed in the program rewrite, or that was transferred over from the old corrupted code used in the original Arizona testing. But this is both easy and fast to get fixed. Our chip manufacturer will have the replacement chip with the bad algorithm removed in our hands either Thursday or Friday of this week, then we put it through the final tests with the new programming and its interaction with the main-frame computers."
Gary continued...
"Once we're satisfied with the last of the lab testing, we can then schedule the last phase of field testing in the mountainous terrain areas."
With that said, the projected time-table for the mountainous terrain signal testing to be scheduled is now possible within this month of June, 2007, with an expected testing time-table to take approximately two (2) months from the time the mountainous terrain signal testing begins.
This puts a time-frame before us for as soon as the months of August or September this year for the mountainous terrain signal testing to be completed!
We will keep you updated with any and all details and when the mountainous terrain testing has a hard scheduled date to be completed.
Get Very Excited Andrew!
When the mountainous terrain signal testing is done, we will be standing on the doorstep of launching the Future Of The Internet, with the ItsYourNet Affiliate members who have upgraded to the 3DNetAffiliate Upgrade-Plan Package being the first ones out of the gate!
Those who remain "sitting on the fence" with just a "FREE" Affiliate membership in ItsYourNet will be kicking themselves when this all goes live!
Get busy! This new NEWS shows all how very limited the amount of time remaining is to build up your Affiliate Organization!
When this all launches it will be those who have advertising budgets built up and ready to go and those who have built up substantial Affiliate Organizations that will dominate ItsYourNet and the Wireless Customer database!
There is absolutely NO REASON why you can not
be one of the ones making Millions every MONTH!
Upgrading to 3DNetAffiliate is well worth just the 10,000 Banner monthly credits alone, so if you or your Affiliate team have been sitting on the fence Andrew, become a 3DNetAffiliate now!
Join us at IYN Today_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Now, I know there is a lot to read here, but I also wanted to share the vision of this company. Seeing a massive move in the world of 3D Virtual Reality by nearly every major company on the planet. IYN has provided us with an amazing 3D world in which to promote all our offers while we utilize this amazing sales tool to convert free members to paid customers at record breaking rates.
As a 3D Net Affiliate you get a virtual office advertising 5 of your links and your IYN business to potentially 100 million plus annual visitors. You get virtual property to use in branding and promoting your name, access to the largest mall in the world, and state of the art communications tools at your finger tips. You get world class training from top marketing minds, a $10 rebate off your first months upgrade. Each 3D Net affiliate banks 10,000 banner credits per month for each month they are a 3D Net prior to the wireless launch, they also bank 10,000 credits for each personally referred 3D Net Affiliate for each month that member is a paid member prior to the launch and we are looking at less than 5 months remaining.
Just think, join and upgrade today and if the launch happens in 5 months you will have 50,000 credits available to you. Refer just 5 3D Nets this month and bank up to 250,000 additional credits advertising your IYN business on some of the top traffic sites on the web. I am currently on pace to have more than 800,000 credits advertising my IYN and have set a goal to make that over 2 million available advertising credits.
To aid us in reaching that goal we will soon be launching an advertising Co-Op of our own at
ZTC Community for our IYN team. We will be adding a IYN training forum, a new IYN Updates Blog, and make our training and resource tool bar available to all IYN members.
So please join the winning team at IYN today.Andy Zeus Anderson